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Known Unknowns - Rightangled

Known Unknowns

I remember listening, in gob-smacked silence in 2002, to a rambling Donald Rumsfeld as he set out the case for invading Iraq. The US Secretary of Defence was obsessed with perceived Weapons of Mass Destruction and was falling over himself...

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Paleo Lifestyle Benefits - Rightangled

Paleo Lifestyle Benefits

Today we are inspired by the story and the knowledge of Caroline Lamont, functional medicine Health Coach from Great In Great Out. Unfortunately Caroline experienced two autoimmune diseases. Medication is often needed for these, but it's is not always the...

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The ‘Genomic volunteers’ - Rightangled

The ‘Genomic volunteers’

The genetic code is our blueprint for life and is a big component of our health. Our lifestyle plays a huge part on our health outcomes and certain genes can be switched ‘on’ and ‘off’ due to our lifestyle. We...

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